In Matthew 28, Jesus instructed His disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). Baptism is how we begin the life of discipleship as we become followers of Jesus.

When we are baptized, God does a number of powerful things in our lives, including:

  • We are forgiven of our past sins.
  • God helps us die to our old selves.
  • God gives us new birth.
  • The Holy Spirit is at work regenerating us.
  • We are adopted into the family of God.
  • We are initiated into the Body of Christ, the Church.

When we are baptized and have faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit works in us to grow more like Jesus.

What methods of Baptism do you offer?

As Methodists, we believe baptism can be practiced by sprinkling, pouring, or through dunking, and we offer all three modes of baptism at Lyman.

I’ve been baptized before, but now I’ve felt God moving in my life again. Can I be rebaptized?

  • Baptism is first and foremost the work of God claiming us as His children. When Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River, God says “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Nothing can ever undo God’s declaration that we are His children. Even if we turn away from God, wander in the wilderness for many years, and sin egregiously, God never rejects us as His children. Instead, when we return to God, it’s like the Prodigal Son. God welcomes the repentant sinner with open arms. If you’ve been baptized, wandered away from the faith, and seek to return to God, then we want to celebrate that return with you. Rather than offer a re-baptism, we will celebrate your return with a reaffirmation of baptism and we will celebrate that God has restored your faith. If God has restored your faith and you want to mark His redeeming work in your life with a public restoration of faith, then contact one of our pastors today.